Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The final harvest

I think I have already mentioned that we are part of a community garden, but we had not visited our bed since before Addy was born six weeks ago. No weeding, no watering. We thought the garden was pretty much done and we didn't plant any fall crops. However, a friend of mine was visiting the garden and asked if I would like her to harvest what was left in our garden. I told her she probably wouldn't find much, but boy was I wrong. The garden had a second life and we were so excited about what she brought back!

This a picture of the peppers and one delicious breakfast that was made from them.


Lacey (schoolhousefarm) said...

holy smokes! that IS a bounty!

canningmama said...

yay, i'm glad you're blogging. I, on the other hand am NOT right now, but i enjoy your more recent postings. it was soo good to see y'all over the weekend and look forward to seeing you again soon!