Monday, November 29, 2010

Caleb is 5!!!!

It is hard to believe that my children are getting older and growing bigger. For some reason Caleb has always seemed older to me than he really is...maybe because he has spent most of his short life trying to be like Elijah...trying to be bigger. The good thing is that I feel he is finally starting to become his own person and make his own decisions. He is coming out of Elijah's shadow and I LOVE the person he is becoming. He is very unique, spirited, and artistic. He was our latest talker, but I am almost convinced that he could talk, but just chose not to:) He has never been one to "perform" for others. He has always been kind of a lone ranger- very reserved, a home body, always loyal, very intuitive, humble and tender hearted. He finds meaning in the little things. He notices details. He is also extremely comical- the one always making silly faces and keeping things light-hearted. I am so thankful for my sweet Caleb.

1 comment:

Lacey (schoolhousefarm) said...

looks like he got what he wanted! & he is so fun to watch grow, i can't wait to see what he does with himself, i can tell he has big ideas.