Friday, January 4, 2008

A funny thing happened at the Vaughn house!

Even though it is winter Elijah likes to wear short sleeves and shorts when we are inside the house. Well, one morning he wanted to wear his navy blue shorts and I had gotten really far behind on laundry and had a huge pile of clothes on the couch that needed to be folded. From out of the pile I grabbed what I thought were his shorts and tossed them to him. Then he went up to his bedroom and got dressed. A few minutes later he came downstairs and Matt said "I think you accidently gave him Caleb's shorts". He was obviously wearing something that was way too small, so I ran upstairs to have a closer look. It was then that I saw something truly hilarious and I burst out in laughter. They weren't Caleb's shorts... they were Jonas' pants! Ha, Ha. Yes, it is true, somehow he managed to squeeze himself into a pair of 3-6 month old pants!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That is hilarious. Daniel and I both laughed out loud. Thanks for sharing.