Friday, January 25, 2008

The Business of Being Born Cont.

The Business of Being Born is a new documentary by Abby Epstein and Ricki Lake. Please go to the official website for more detailed information. It is . On this website you will find a section that provides dates and times of several community screenings. I am going to the one at Guilford College this weekend. I urge every woman who is pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant to watch this film. I strongly believe in and support midwives and natural childbirth. The majority of women in this country do not know their rights and options in the area of childbirth. It is so important to become educated and informed in this area; because everyday women are being robbed of the beautiful, empowering, spiritual process of labor and childbirth in the name of money, convenience, fear, etc. I have very personal feelings about this subject because when I had Elijah I was very naive and uninformed. I had him in the hospital with the end result being a c-section. When I got pregnant the second time the doctors told me I would be an automatic repeat cesarean! I knew they were wrong. I knew I could have a baby naturally and I did! Since then I have had 2 natural births at home with a midwife. I am so thankful that I became educated in this area and chose not to blindly follow the advice of the so-called experts... if I did I would have missed out on what has proven to be the two most amazing experiences of my life.

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