Friday, September 25, 2009

Bushisms and other nonsense!

Many of you that know me know that I have one thing in common with George W. Bush...bushisms. Yes, it is true. It happens quite regularly around here and I am married to the grammar police, so it is very rare that these language blunders go unnoticed. Sometimes I genuinely get my words mixed up and sometimes it is an accident but usually people know what I am TRYING to say. I blame some of this on my mother who is worse with words than I am. (sorry mom, it's true!)
I just so happened to make one of these mistakes in my last blog post when I called my father-in-law's brisket "infamous"...which means having a reputation of the worst kind... now OBVIOUSLY I didn't mean to use that word and if I thought his brisket was infamous I surely wouldn't have said it for the whole world to see... what I meant to write was famous. My father-in-law's brisket is the best I have ever tasted. It is delicious, fabulous, wonderful and anything but infamous. Elijah says I am like the "BFG" (the big friendly giant- a character from a Roald Dahl book that always gets his words mixed up!) Here is a quote from the BFG "Words is oh such a twitch-tickling problem to me all my life. So you must simply try to be patient and stop squibbling. As I am telling you before, I know exactly what words I am wanting to say, but somehow or other they is always getting squiff-squiddled around"... maybe Elijah is right. I am kind of like the BFG (which, by the way, is an hilarious book to read aloud to children).
Onto the nonsense. The other day when we came home the entire family was standing at the door and I had the key. Everyone was waiting for me to open the door and in the meantime I am getting totally frustrated because I am pressing the unlock button on our keyless entry control for the car over and over again and I am not understanding why the door to our house isn't unlocking. Finally I realize what I am doing and I just started laughing at the absurdity of it all and Elijah is just staring at me like I'm crazy and Matt asks "Did you just try to unlock the door with the car keys?"...I look at him with a look that says
"are you really that surprised???" When I was pregnant I used the excuse of pregnancy brain and I the past several years I have used the excuse of being really tired from night nursing and back to back pregnancies...but Matt likes to remind me that I was this way before we even got married. Ok. fine. I admit it. It's true. Sometimes my brain leaves my body...but in the words of the BFG "I cannot be helping it if I is sometimes saying things (and in my case, doing things as well) a little squiggly. I is trying my very best all the time."

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That's really funny! I can imagine you standing there with your keys pointed at the front door:) Truly, it sounds like something I would do!

Thanks for posting.