Monday, March 3, 2008

Marvelous Matthew!

I just realized that February is over and I only made one post on my blog. However, it is with good reason. Matt has been working like a dog on the computer almost every night for the past two months. As most of you already know, Matt is only 2 summer classes away from completing his Master's Degree in Secondary Ed. He was supposed to be doing his student teaching this semester, but he took the braver route and took a teaching position instead. He is teaching World and US History at Dudley Highschool in Greensboro. He was offered the position in December and he started in the middle of January. We were both very excited about this opportunity, but I don't think either one of us realized what he was in for. I guess it is the life of a first year teacher, but Matt hasn't had a moment to rest since he started the job. He goes to meetings early in the morning, teaches all day, tutors after school, comes home to eat dinner and play with the kids for a couple of hours before we put them to bed and then he works all night until midnight or later and gets up and does it all over again. He doesn't complain and he gets it all done, but sometimes I worry that he's burning the candle at both ends. I think the planning and having to know the content for 2 different subjects is just a lot of work...and then there is the added pressure being placed on him to get a certain percentage of his students to pass the EOC for his US History class. I am so proud of how he is handling it all.
For those of you that know Matt, you know that he is very calm, stable, sensible, rational, not easily overwhelmed... (which is almost the complete antithesis of me!) He is the source of strength and stability in our family. I appreciate that he took the harder road for us. He didn't have to, but he recognizes his responsibilities as a provider and I respect him so much for that. He put us before himself. That is his heart and that is why I love him.


Nana said...

Hi Kallie,
Such a lovely comment which warms the heart of his mom!! Many thanks for all your love and support for him as he struggles. A person can do anything with the encouragement and strength of those around him cheering him on. We are so proud of you both for taking on such a load of responsibility and shouldering it with devotion to God and each other. Lots of love and hugs, Mary

Jennifer said...

This is late, but tell Matt I feel his pain. And many congratulations for taking the job. I found it takes several semesters to begin to get a handle on a class. No doubt Matt will have it nailed before long. What great subjects too. History is so important. Well done. And, of course you are to be commended for juggling the extra load as well. When one partner works more so does the other, right? We are thinking of you all as you settle in to this new phase.
Daniel Kruidenier