Sunday, December 5, 2010

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Group

I have been a part of a wonderful Charlotte Mason co-op the past 2 years, but this year I decided to break away from the larger group and form my own little co-op that meets in my home. Six very sweet families (including mine) make up our group. All together we have 15 children under the age of 8:) and this is what we studied this fall term:

Nature Study: Fall crops- apples, corn, pumpkin, squash etc.
Composer: Beethoven
Folk Song: Waltzing Matilda
Picture Study: Norman Rockwell
Habit: Attentiveness
Bible Song/Hymn: Books of the Old Testament
Poetry Recitation

I think our first term together went really well. My kids had a lot of fun and enjoyed learning alongside the other children. Even the little ones (under 3) are listening and absorbing so much. Waltzing Matilda was a BIG hit with all the kids. I even found myself singing it all the kind of gets stuck in your head.
We also really enjoyed Norman Rockwell. His artwork is very kid friendly. Our group went on a really awesome field trip to the NC Museum of Art in Raleigh to view a touring exhibit of Norman Rockwell. It was FABULOUS. The kids and I loved it. You can find out more about the exhibit here.
I am very excited about next term. I have a lot of fun things planned that I can't wait to share!

This is about half the group drawing in their nature journals.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I came across your blog and was interested to read about your co-op. I live in New Zealand and I think a similar thing happens within some groups. I would like to ask you some questions please.
1. Who decides what you are going to learn?
2. Do you all take turns presenting lessons/outings?
3. How often do you meet with the co-op?

I really like you blog and will visit again.
blessings Sandra

Kallie said...

Hi Sandra,
We have 6 meetings in each term and we meet every other week. We take a small break between terms and we have a mom's meeting where we bring all of our ideas for the next term. So, we decide together what we will be studying. My vision for the group is that each mom would be in charge of one area- one leading music, one leading art etc. I did most of the teaching last term, but I really want the other moms to be involved. We will be studying farm animals next term and going to many farms to study the it should be a lot of fun:) Thanks for visiting.

Daniel said...

yalls home-school coop is inspiring. We too have found Charlotte Mason a wise guide for fixing the character of our homeschool. Keep it up!

On a side note, since you mentioned Waltzing Matilda, check out Tom Waits' version on Youtube (just type in Tom Waits Waltzing Matilda). It's quite unique and if you find it suitable for young eyes and ears the kids might get a kick out of his version.

Daniel K.