Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Blessing in Disguise

Well, blogging has not been too successful this month. Mostly because the never ending morning sickness that I have been experiencing has left me unmotivated to do most of my normal activities. Thankfully I feel like I am the tail end of the whole morning sickness thing and I am starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. It feels really good to be getting my life back on track.
In addition to my morning sickness I have been extremely exhausted and have been going to bed before 10 every night. This has been the blessing in disguise. I have always been a night owl and for YEARS I have been saying that I want to go to bed early so I can get up early, but I have never been disciplined enough to actually make the transition from a being a night person to becoming a morning person. However, this pregnancy there is nothing that can keep my eyes open past 10 and a lot of times I go to sleep when the kids go to sleep around 8. I leave the dirty dishes in the sink and the dirty clothes piled up in their baskets and the glorious part of this new routine is that I am now waking up at 6 in the morning and doing the dishes, laundry and other chores, getting dressed and reading my bible before the kids get up. When I do these activities in the morning I have a much better attitude and energy level. I also just love the quietness of the house, listening to the birds begin to sing and watching the daylight slowly make its way into the new day. I am renewed each morning by the Word and the peace that it gives me before the busy day begins. It really has been life-giving for me to have adopted this new routine and now I am so thankful for the extreme exhaustion from this pregnancy that has forced me to make this change that I have been talking about for so many years.


canningmama said...

I agree 250%!!! It is SUCH a good habit to be in, and I have been better this year about working on an early-rise habit moreso than any other time! There are so many advantages and almost NO disadvantages to going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. I'm happy for you that you have made this transition because I've heard you talk about it for years. I'm also happy to see you back on your blog. I've diligently checked it 3 or 4 times a week, and so glad to see you post something new! :) Luv ya!

Lacey (schoolhousefarm) said...

i swing both ways. Sometimes I'm more productive in the evening, after the calm comes in...but, when the sun rises in the spring it's hard for me not to want to rise a little sooner & get an early start. Although I've not had morning sickness, I've had some ailment or another--at least know yours are not simply a waste of time. you WILL have something to show for it!

Rachel said...

Hey Kallie!

Rachel here! I wanted to see how you were doing and what your appointment the other day was like.

My email address is threeblueberries @ gmail.com

Write when you get a chance!! : )

Fun to see you at Costco the other night!