Monday, December 8, 2008

Consider this...

We do not celebrate Christmas and there are many reasons for that. The bible has given specific dates for the biblical feasts and festivals- specific days and times, but it never states that on December 25th we should celebrate the birth of Jesus. Our family celebrates His birth during the Feast of Tabernacles- a time when God dwelled with the people. So to us, it makes sense to celebrate our Savior, Immanuel (God is with us), during this festival which occurs in the fall. The history and origins of Christmas are interesting, but you can research that on your own if you feel led to do so.
Another reason we choose not to celebrate Christmas is because of all the massive, unnecessary consumerism revolving around this holiday. Did you hear about the Wal-Mart employee that was trampled to death on Black Friday? Was that good deal on that one item really worth his life? Does Messiah want us rushing around stressing ourselves and our families out all in the name of presents?... material items that have no eternal significance... So for all of my friends that celebrate Jesus on Christmas I just have one thing for you to consider...


canningmama said...

I didn't get to see your photo or whatever it was, so I may not have gotten the full significance of what you're trying to say, but I have to agree with you though we do celebrate Christmas. Aaron nor I see any place in the Bible where it states to celebrate His birthday in any way that the world celebrates it. We more or less celebrate from a secular view and do it to be with family more than anything. The tradition of spending Christmas with his aunt and uncle are deeply ingrained and we enjoy it very much. I struggle with the consumerism aspect of it as well. While bringing up 3 children, it impresses on me more each day that their minds should not be set on how many toys they have or which one makes the loudest noise (I curse battery operated toys and minimize them in my home), but to concentrate more on the natural, outdoor joys of life and the simple pleasures; not toys.

Hope you're doing well; I think of you often in these last days and hope all goes well with labor and delivery if you haven't already done so!!

canningmama said...

Ok, kallie, I'll tell you what. You just email me and tell me if and when you ever update your blog again since I check it about twice a week to no avail. : ) I'm kidding..i know I'm not much better! Good to talk to you! Love Ya!