Have you ever seen a Rhinormous in the wild?
The boys have several favorite games and most involve some type of role play. It's difficult to say which is most favored but pretending to be various animals is probably at the top of the list, at least for the younger boys. Here's a sample of a recent dinner table conversation:
Jonas: I'm a daddy rhinoceros.
Me (Matt): You are? Is the daddy rhinoceros going to eat his Korma? (not sure if this was actually what we were eating that night but it fits)
Ezra (inserting himself in the convo with "manvoice" as Kallie calls it): I'm a rhinormous!
Me (with laughter): Is that similar to a rhinoceros?
Ezra: No, it's a...it's a...it's a...rhinormous (said very slowly because I was clearly being dense in asking such a question)
Here are a few facts about the rhinormous to help you identify him if you ever run into one in his natural habitat:
A rhinormous is an animal who exhibits a highly refined sense of humor for his age. He likes blankets and trucks and has often been spotted carrying both at the same time. He is typically docile but can be toothily dangerous when cornered; particularly if you happen to be red-headed, slightly older and named Jonas. He is a highly efficient predator in the presence of cherries (above pic covered in red), mangoes and other fruits and his favorite beverage is "milk from the yummy cow" (aka raw milk).
The Z-man's new species also gives you readers out there a window into one of my personal favorite family amusements: word blending...nothing beats a good fresh compound word blend that never existed previously. The only rule of course is that it cannot be in the dictionary...just doing our part to pass on a little creative reverse scrabbliciousness to the children.
I'll leave you with Rhinormous Observation Tip #349:
If you see the rhinormous in the wild, just call him "sugar baby" and he might not attack.